Nothing completes an outfit like the right handbag. Handbags come in all colors, sizes, and shapes. Price ranges can vary too, from rela...
Nothing completes an outfit like the right handbag. Handbags come in all colors, sizes, and shapes. Price ranges can vary too, from relatively inexpensive bags to very pricey, designer handbags. Of course, a luxury handbag is quite expensive, but may be worth the investment in terms of durability, style, and versatility. There is a lot to consider before making such a large purchase, however. Before deciding on a bag, you should consider budget, quality, color, structure, size, hardware, and versatility. By giving some thought to your purchase, you can avoid buyer's regret and find a handbag that will last you for years to come.
Wait, this costs how much?
Avoid sticker shock by doing your homework! A luxury bag is not cheap. Your budget will factor heavily in what kind of bag you choose. A lower budget may require a smaller bag or clutch, while a bigger investment will get you a larger, more versatile bag. Keep in mind that a good designer brand will last you years, whereas a less expensive brand may last a year or less. So a designer brand that will last you 5 years or more is actually a better investment than buying a cheaper bag every year.Resale is another idea to consider. For instance, the resale price of a Louis Vuitton purse by CoutureUSA will be worth much more money than a lesser brand will recover. So in the unlikely event that you tire of your fabulous bag before it wears out, you can recover more of your investment and purchase another bag. But if you follow good advice before purchasing, you are unlikely to ever want to turn loose from you luxury handbag!
Oh, this feels good!
Quality matters when you are about to make a large investment! Luxury bags come in various fabrics and materials. A great designer canvas tote or a logo, nylon bag will go a lot of places. Beaded or macramé purses have their places, too. These trendy looks are awesome and may work for slightly smaller budgets. Modern materials can be long-lasting, too. For overall quality, however, consider investing in a leather bag. Good, high quality leather is fantastic to the touch! Leather comes in all colors and textures. It can be embossed, smooth, quilted, or printed. A leather bag can last for years and will complement any outfit. It will also hold its shape and structure better than some materials.A leather handbag from LeatherNeo is a terrific choice if you are looking for durability and long-lasting luxury.
Will it go with purple?
Color matters. You want a bag that stands out, but not in a bad way! That orange and purple paisley bag may not go so well with the bright red sundress! If you are looking for a single bag that will take you a lot of places, be sure to consider the color. Choose a neutral that will go with anything if you are choosing one bag to go everywhere. Neutral colors are black, beige, ivory, or taupe. Neutrals also are appropriate for any season, so that you do not have to switch bags the moment the weather changes.What if you are looking for a bag to go with a particular outfit? Then choose a color that will really pop. A red bag will go a lot of places, although red isn't considered a "formal" color for a purse. Still, it goes with black, navy, white, or almost any color other than certain greens. A red bag can really stand out if your outfit is neutral, too. It is also great for any season. Remember that busy prints or enormous logos may not flow with everything you wear. If you wear a lot of florals or prints, choose a bag without busy patterns and logos. So if you are shopping for a specific occasion, choose a color that is fun and will make you feel great!
I need more structure in my life!
Be sure to consider the silhouette that most complements your personal style and needs. Do you require a big, roomy bag with lots of pockets, or do you prefer a shoulder bag or even a clutch? Are you planning to stuff a beach towel, a blanket, and a picnic lunch in your purse? Or do you need something small and easy to deal with, perhaps just large enough for a comb, compact, and wallet? There is a luxury bag to suit every woman's style and preferences. A large, baggy purse will of course hold more, but it may lose its shape over time. A more structured bag will look better longer, but it may not be as flexible. Still, a structured bag can be plenty roomy, like a travel-style Louis Vuitton purse by CoutureUSA. All large bags do not have to be unstructured, although a tote or bucket-style bag may be your best choice in some situations. If you are planning on carrying only one bag, choose the silhouette that best suits your lifestyle and rock it!I like big buckles, and I cannot lie!
Purse hardware is important. It affects the look and durability of your bag, and also keeps your purse closed and prevents your belongings from falling out. You definitely want durable, functional hardware on your bag, but you also want it to improve the quality and appearance of your whole outfit. Logos and other designs should enhance the look without becoming the most apparent aspect of your purse. Buckles, closures, zippers, and straps are an important part of your luxury handbag. Check them for form and function. Hardware that is not functional or which serves no discernible purpose may look great, but consider durability. Extra chains and metal parts may fall off if they catch on a door or a piece of furniture, for instance. This will affect the look of your bag.Straps are often attached to the purse with hardware. The length of the straps or handles will affect the silhouette and function of your bag. Choose a strap or handle length that best reflects your needs and priorities. Longer straps can catch on things, but they are a necessity if you travel or will be mobile and need to use your hands a lot. A clutch or short-strapped handbag may be better if you are going to a formal event, a party, or a luncheon. Form should follow function. Choose the hardware and handles that best suit your needs.
I can take you anywhere!
Overall, versatility is key when shopping for a luxury handbag. You want a bag that will go a lot of places and look sensational with every outfit and every occasion. By taking into account the neutrality of the color and the functionality of the structure and hardware, you should be able to take your bag anywhere.There is so much to consider when making any large purchase. A really great handbag is more of an investment than you might think. True, you can buy lots of inexpensive purses and accomplish the same thing, but why? Why have to switch everything into a different bag every time you change your outfit? Inexpensive bags don't last as long, either, and over time, you may spend just as much on several purses and totes as you would have with a single, outstanding purchase. By considering form and function, structure, color, hardware, quality, and versatility, you can invest in a bag that will last for years and go everywhere with you. Choose wisely!