This year has been a roller coaster for everyone around the world, to say the least. We’ve all been deeply affected one way or another by the lasting effects of COVID-19. But thankfully, after a long period of dormancy, people are finally getting back to a somewhat normal life. Businesses are happy to be serving customers again and fashion gurus are finally able to give us their insight into this year's best trends as people are getting ready to look their best for the holiday season. If you are looking to up your fashion this season then it might be time for a cute manicure.
If you want to do something that looks good and won’t take that much effort, then here are a few ideas that you should consider. You don’t need to take time out of your day and spend an arm and a leg at the nail salon just to get your nails done. Investing in the right kind of tools and materials not only allows you to experiment with different styles but this could be your next hobby.
1. Metallic
A big trend that is quickly overtaking the matte look and the regular glossy finish is the metallic finish. These nail polishes are filled with tiny specs of metal, often aluminum, that creates a unique shimmer and give the base color an added bit of spice and character. Just like you would expect, this works for nearly all colors and works exceptionally well for loud, colorful outfits. However, you can also use this to add some pop to a relatively basic outfit with a unique shiny touch on your nails.
2. Graphics
Graphic vinyl and decals have been long used for everything from cars to trucks to computers. Today, graphics are spreading into the nail art industry. Whatever kind of graphics you are into, you can get a fantastic look with nail art decals even with a basic brush set. These are very easy to use but you need to make sure you get the right ones for your intended use. If you want to take things a step further then you can also get premade templates that you can use to create the perfect graphic design on your nail.
3. CD Nails
If you are looking for something a bit more trippy and unique, then CD nails might interest you. You can have your nails looking like the reflective side of the CD with a very easy-to-apply pigment. Unlike some pigments that use very solid, pastel style colors, this pigment uses something similar to metallic colors. The multicolor reflective pigments give your nails a shine that mimics the reflective part of a CD. You can use this color on its own on your natural nails or use it to top off a base color like white or yellow.
4. Minimalist White
If you are looking for something that is a bit more luxe but with a modern touch, then the minimalist white look will be right for you. You can always take the classic route, which includes the French and American manicure which you can’t really go wrong with either, they are timeless choices after all. You can do a bit of research if you’re not familiar with both to understand what the differences are and find out which one you would prefer to have. Depending on the design you choose this can be really easy to do. You can either start off with a plain base if you have naturally shiny nails or you could put down a layer of clear polish and then finish it with some white. The idea is to keep the nails looking as natural as possible while only enhancing the look with some glaze and white. Just finishing the edges with some white is fantastic or you could do a simple pattern on the plain glaze base.
5. Gingham Nails
This pattern is getting a lot of buzz in fabrics and clothing right now. It has also crept into the manicure and pedicure trends. This can be a little tricky to do on your own, it will take some time and very steady hands, but it’s a really nice look. You can also just save yourself the hassle and get artificial nails with the Gingham pattern and stick those on, or have a professional help you out.
6. ZigZag
If the Gingham pattern caught your attention then the ZigZag pattern might also interest you. Like the Gingham, this is not very easy to do on your own but it is possible with the right tools and a dedicated slot in your schedule for nail prep. Like the Gingham style, there are no limits color-wise as this works great for all colors.
Recently we have also been seeing a lot of nail art templates that aim to replicate patterns found in natural elements such as marbles, sandstone, and others. Doing these is really easy and only takes a few minutes. In fact, many patterns only focus on one or two nails so you can easily paint all the other nails a plain base color and have two fingers highlighted with your chosen pattern.