Boost your breast milk supply naturally with ease! Discover proven tips & remedies to increase lactation & support baby's growth, only here!
For the first 6 months, newborn babies need to be solely fed on breastmilk. It is rich in all the required vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It also improves immunity levels in babies and makes them strong; hence it is incomparable to any other form of feeding or milk. Formula feeding should be the last resort when all the other options fail to increase, or others with severe medical conditions. Breast feeding is known to strengthen mother-child bond especially on skin to skin contact. Many women experience low supply of breastmilk due to a lot of reasons such as stress, less number of feeds, certain medication and few diseases. This problem could solved with few home remedies and practices as long as it is dictated and acted upon soon.
Important factors that help in boosting breastmilk supply:
Breastfeeding: The key to increased breast milk production is regular and increased number of feeds. The more baby sucks nipples, the more milk gets produced as sucking stimulates pituitary gland to release prolactin and oxytocin hormones, which in turn acts on producing and pumping of milk through nipples. Hence it is important to feed baby as many times as required to ensure that ample amount of milk is produced. Long gaps between feeds could lead to permanent reduction of milk secretion. Babies need to be fed on both breasts in every feeding session to stimulate both breasts for producing milk.Pumping/expressing breastmilk: Mothers need to pump or express breast milk at regular intervals as it not only helps in stimulating breasts to secrete milk similar to the sucking action, but also helps in storing excess milk without any wastage. It is also helpful in avoiding formation of lumps in breasts that cause fever and further health problems. One must pick a good quality pump to express milk from both breasts.
Diet: Food intake plays a key role in production of breastmilk. Lactating mothers need to take a balanced diet that supply all essential nutrients along with increased amounts of calories, at least 1500 - 2000 additional kcal per day to serve the purpose. Diet must include lean meats, whole grain cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Caffeinated, alcoholic and aerated drinks must be avoided. Mothers should consume foods low in spices and salt as well. Increased fluid intake on a daily basis need to be maintained for improving milk quantity and quality.
Emotional health: Emotional health has a direct and irreversible impact on breast milk supply. Lactating mothers need to be calm, happy and at peace all the time. It is important to focus on the child and mute the rest of the world and its stress inducing emotions for the first few months. Reading books, watching movies, listening to music or even watching comedy sitcoms would help a lot in leading worry free life. Exercise and yoga may also help in calming down those racing impulses; however one should not over practice at least for the first few months as body is recovering after delivery.
Water: It is one of the key element to increase the amount of breastmilk. Mothers who are breastfeeding need to drink as much water as possible to keep themselves hydrated that help in secreting more milk and do not dry them. Women may find it difficult to walk till loo and also pass urine immediately after delivery but it should not stop from drinking more water.
Over the counter products: In some severe cases, mothers need to consult gynaecologists for help as they would prescribe few over the counter powders and medicines to boost breastmilk supply. These need to be consumed as per prescribed doses along with regular breastfeeding sessions.
Herbal or home remedies: Fenugreek seeds are very useful in improving breast milk production. Drinking fenugreek seeds water tea made from overnight soaked seeds and boil the solution the next day. There are fenugreek tablets also available for oral consumption; however seek doctor help before using them. Fennel seeds, cumin seeds and garlic cloves also have positive results in increasing milk supply.
Besides all these tips, massaging breasts few minutes before and after every feed helps in increased milk production. It is also important to keep a tab on medication especially high antibiotic doses as they may decrease breast milk supply. Bottle feeding and pacifiers need to be avoided as babies face nipple confusion and may reject sucking breasts completely.